Monday, January 3, 2011

Funny Halloween: Kielrain's stitches: A New Year, Updates, and Photos

Funny Halloween
The Horror Spooky things is not the only Halloween stuff, here is the Funny side of Halloween you can find ;)

Kielrain's stitches: A New Year, Updates, and Photos
3 Jan 2011, 8:40 pm

Blue Snowman; 9. X-mas Ornie Exchange; 10. ABC Exchange; 11. A Lady's Cabinet; 12. Witch's Hollow; 13. The Token; 14. Celtic Banner; 15. Tranquility Mystery Sampler; 16. Blog Gift; 17. Spice Tea; 18. Halloween Exchange; 19. Jack; 20. Fall Exchange; 21. .... I am so far behind on this SAL it isn't even funny, but here is to slowly catching up. After my time on Crystal Ball I will go back to this one. I may aim to get parts 5-7 done in the next round of working on this one. ...

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