Tuesday, August 21, 2012

High School Memories | Inside 'Dores | Vanderbilt University

Even though I haven’t been reunited with my Vandy friends yet (I’m visiting this weekend though!) I’ve been able to spend a bunch of time with high school friends!

For the past two/three weeks, most of my friends have been in town and we’ve been able to catch up during dinner, movies (I seriously recommend Safety Not Guaranteed), or car rides to Dollywood (Dolly Parton’s amusement park in East Tennessee—it’s an experience, let me tell you). A few of my friends who go to UT have already moved in and we’ve hung out on campus and run into even more people we went to high school with. I might have even convinced my best friend Meg to visit me in London during one of her breaks in the fall.

People are often surprised to hear how well I’ve kept in touch with kids from my high school but with technology these days, I don’t really think it’s that difficult. We constantly send mass text messages and even have a group on facebook entitled “High School Besties,” where we post funny stories (my friend Blair can’t ride her bike without crashing…), updates on our lives, or let each other know when we’ll be in town. Another habit of mine is calling someone to catch up whenever I have a long walk on campus by myself. Last semester, my Abnormal Psych class in Wilson got out at 4:30 and then I had to walk across campus to Highland Quad to get to my Mayfield, so that was prime talking time.

I know a lot of high schoolers are worried they’ll never talk to their friends once they head off to colleges on opposite ends of the country, but in my experience, that’s not usually the case. It takes a little bit of effort but the reward is totally worth it…I’m even looking forward to my high school reunion!

Eileen Robinson



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