Saturday, January 26, 2013

Average and Awkward - Not Dead

anger and stress

Sorry for nost posting, after Halloween I got really sick. Then the week of Thanksgiving I was sick again and basically went two days without being able to eat. And Christmas was good. And recently I went to Ohayocon with my younger brother, I don't want to go into detail about what I had to go through in order to be able to attend. It was my first con and it was AMAZING! There were so many people there, I even got to meet Spike Spencer who is a famous voice acter the only thing that I can remember him being in was Blaze Blue a video game that my younger bro used to play. I also made a new friend April, who I have yet to email to make sure that she made it home safely. (I will email her today though) So that is the update of my life. Except for not adding that i failed both of my classes last semester so I'm financially restricted and I sent out an appeal like almost two weeks ago and I'm still waiting for an answer. I won't be able to do any of my classes until I get and answer. I might not update again for awhile since there is usually nothing much going on in my life, though I might post up some pictures from the con.


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