Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Mom Experience: More Thoughts on Friendship

I am a 25-year-old stay at home mom. My husband works weekend shift at his job which are 12 hours long. I am still struggling to make friends and it gets very, very lonely sometimes. I posted about going to a mom's group a few months ago (here) which I was pretty psyched about. Turns out it wasn't as great as first believed.

Emma and I went for a month. We played, we interacted, I talked to the other moms but overall it was very much like a clique. I admit I am a shy person but I swear I pushed myself hard to be social and open and to go even after I was practically shut out one week. Granted it was a week when the regular nurse who moderates the group wasn't there and only two other women showed. When the stand in nurse left since she was working the other two women didn't talk to me even after I tried talking to them. I still went the next week. I never received the Halloween pictures that were taken of all the kids including Emma either. Kind of a bummer but it is what it is.

On the upside...

I was walking Emma in her stroller to get the mail a month or so ago and who do I see? A mom from our prenatal class last winter! She and her husband were just getting in their car but I stopped and said hi. We talked for a minute and exchanged numbers. Their daughter is about 3 weeks older than Emma so we've had a couple playdates since then and will be going to her birthday party in just over a week. Small town life is funny like that. All of a sudden you realize you know your new neighbours from baby class or the furniture store (true, the guy who sold us our furniture lives down the block).

I've also continued contact via Facebook (yep, it's back) and phone messaging with some ladies who also had babies in February. They are from all over the US and all so wonderful. I even received unexpected birthday gifts from two of them in the mail! It floored Alex and I. Alex knows I've been talking to these women for almost a year now but when he saw that they cared enough to send me packages it's like something clicked for him. We may have never met face to face but we've shared so much with each other during pregnancy and postpartum, about family and significant others, babies and advice, that it really feels like we have. They've never judged me. They've never said anything bad about me when I've told them very difficult things. That is true friendship. That I do not take for granted. It makes me want to be a better friend.


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