Friday, June 28, 2013

Democrats Working Hard To Win Supporters By Calling Them “Flat ...

I never did touch on (NMP) Obama, The Man with the biggest carbon footprint in the world, calling those who do not believe in man caused “climate change” part of the flat earth society (btw, the president of the real Flat Earth Society is a Warmist). I had blogged enough on the subject, and we should all be used to Obama insulting people who do not agree with him at this point. That said, Katie Pavlich notes that the DNC is now pushing this in emails. I’ve opted out of all the DNC/Obama communiques post-election, was tired of the 5-10 a day.

Friend –

Just this week, President Obama announced his comprehensive plan to tackle climate change. And guess what? The climate-change deniers are already out in full force.

It’s astounding to me that in 2013 there are still people who claim that climate change isn’t real — a viewpoint with no basis in scientific fact.

But because these people have the backing of powerful special interests, they’ve been able to control much of the conversation in Washington and halt progress on these critical issues. And while I hate to say it, if we don’t act quickly to support the President, they might win again.

Will you stand up to climate-change deniers and stand with President Obama?

Under the President’s plan, we have a real chance to reduce our carbon footprint, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create a more sustainable future for our children, and our children’s children. But it won’t happen if we don’t act.

I can guarantee you that this will be a big fight — many Republicans will deny science and claim that “those liberals” are making it up. But you, me, and 97 percent of scientists know better — climate change is real and we have to act now before it’s too late.

As the President said, “we don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-earth society.” Stand up and fight today:



Patrick Gaspard

Executive Director

Wow, so many lies, so much scientific illiteracy, not enough time to cover it all. Funny how Democrats always seem to promote strife, rather than working together, eh?

BTW, 0.14F increase in global temperature since 1997. 0.28F since 1990. Not scary numbers.

Obama “carbon footprint”: 41,000 metric tons yearly. Average American CFP: 19 metric tons yearly. Interestingly, neither Obama nor the DNC mention what Warmists can do in their own lives to bring their own CFPs down.

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