Thursday, June 27, 2013

hermeown - Hmm.


It's been an interesting summer so far.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I graduated college in May. I officially have a BA in Traditional Animation. It's not worth much at the moment; my current job is a caricature artist, which is about is awesome and horrible as it sounds. I love drawing everyday and meeting new people, but I'm not wild about being a saleswoman and the hours are not reliable. At least it keeps my hands busy.

This is also the first time in four years that I'm home. I interned at Warner for four summers, and this year... well, I know they're busy. I hold nothing against them, of course, but I was really hoping to at least be back in California by this time. Now I can't even afford to keep my apartment in Chicago after August, let alone consider moving out there any time soon.

Though, funny enough, an opportunity kinda fell into my lap recently. If anyone recalls, I spent my last two years of high school in a college prep boarding school. This was the place that rekindled my interest in Powerpuff Girls and really kickstarted my fanfiction habit. Since my boarding school was so far from home, and I felt very isolated and stressed out at this school, I didn't just starting writing; I plunged headfirst into the murky depths of fandom and shipping. And boy was it refreshing.

Anyways, that opportunity. At my boarding school, there is the position of the Student Life Counselor, who serve as something of an RA/mentor/guardian position for the students. Turns out my school is hiring SLCs, and who would think, I'm on the running for a position.

It has nothing to do with my major, but I get to help kids and get paid to live at home and play pseudo-mom. It will also isolate me away from my friends, boyfriend, and family, and therefore make me find things to do again to combat the loneliness.

Long story short, perhaps I spoke too soon. I've started rereading sbj's fic, and it's actually reinspiring me as far as fanfiction goes. I'm looking around for my notes on Haunted and I will probably reread both 30 Days and Unbridled to get a feel for my AU again. I'm not going to lie: I miss it. A lot. Particularly Butch, mostly because he has become something of a muse as far as my male characters go (and he is the developed predecessor to Max, the main character of Alleycats). No promises, to anyone or myself, but my brain has been revisiting some ideas that I've abandoned ages ago in favor of school and life.

I guess I won't delete anything... but I'll see how I feel after this reread and the subsequent rereads of my own stories. If I can find some inspiration motivating enough to make me continue, I'll keep it up. Otherwise, I'll set a date and let ya'll know that if for some reason you want my stories, I'd save them now before I toss 'em.


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