Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Instagramimaton, A Stop-Motion Animated Made Using Instagram ...

Filmmakers Paul Cummings and Eriq Wities (from Friends in Faux) have creating an interesting little short entitled “Instagramimaton” which they describe as a “stop motion adventure through the world of Instagram.”

The short was made up using more than 1,600 individual Instagram photographs and interested parties can also view each individual picture online. Cummings and Wities also made a behind-the-scenes video which explains the various steps of the process they used to create “Instagramimaton” which is pretty intriguing.

It’s not the most action-packed or enthralling short I’ve ever seen as it mostly consists of a dude wearing various different outfits across several different locations, but the concept is very cool and the end is pretty funny, so I’d say it’s worth a watch!

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