Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lost My Voice and My Words | Stitching Lotus

It’s funny how when I lose my voice I also lose my desire to write. Late Monday afternoon my voice decided to needed to take a rest, and I’ve been coughing and croaking since then. Thankfully, it made its somewhat rusty return this morning along with my need to put fingers to keyboard.

Now that I’ve given you my excuses for disappearing again, I’d like to say thank you for all the lovely comments about my shawl. I just love it, and it is so nice read that so many of you did too. :D

So, what have I been up to since the weekend? Well, I’ve knit a scarf, lost one of my favourite sock knitting needles (and just found it laying on my laptop’s keyboard), worked on the Santa’s Journey Stocking, and still managed to avoid finishing up this month’s ornament for the Ornament SAL. I’m good. ;)

Santa's Journey Stocking (WIP)

Santa’s Journey Stocking (WIP)

Hopefully I’ll be back to myself by tomorrow morning. I’ve got so much to write, and so much to stitch!


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