Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lots of cuddles | Hurry Up and Wait…

Thursday June 13th, 2013

Shortly after midnight the nurse brought Brenna to be weighed… She’s down to 6 lbs 6.6oz (3042g) which isn’t bad at considering the 5 full diapers we’ve changed today…

After the nurse left Brenna was WIDE awake after sleeping most of the day… It was nice to see her so alert but I REALLY wanted to sleep. She was up most of the night and really didn’t go down until 5/6am.

No Mama I’m not going to let you sleep tonight…


Dan dropped Keira off at Delia’s (I’ll write a post later of Keira’s adventures), stopped at the grocery store to buy me more jello (they still had me on a clear fluid diet and I was STARVING because all I was getting for meals was one jello and cup of broth and 100 mL of juice… I’m not going to be wanting Jello again for a long time.

After eating a couple more things of jello, feeding Brenna to top her up and passed her to Dan so I could have a nap.

We had to put some gloves on Brenna because she kept scratching her face up. It’s funny because Keira never wore them because her hands were so tiny they’d fall off… Brenna’s hands are so big they barely fit!

Mama why do I have to wear these!?

When the night nurse came on at 8pm I FINALLY got some real food… she went and grabbed me a sandwich, some cheese, a pudding and some yogurt… was nice to get some real food to eat!



The News from http://funyhalloween.blogspot.com