Thursday, June 27, 2013

the birthday project - According To Kelly

by @according2kelly on June 27, 2013


today it’s my birthday…

& this year, it’s a BIG one.

i’m turning 35!

it’s amazing. as a kid, 35 seemed soooo old.

i thought for sure, i’d have an entire herd of kids, live in the house i would retire in, & pretty much have it “all together”.

but life has a funny way of working out differently than what you had planned.

turning 35 may mean i’m looking forward to gray hairs & the terrifying thought that i am closer to 40, than 20 (yikes) – i’m bound & determined to make sure this is the best year yet.


& to celebrate, i’m starting off 35 with a bang! by performing 35 acts of intentional kindness for others – the birthday project.

instead of spending the day celebrating me, by opening presents & eating cake, i will spend my 35th birthday looking for opportunities to spread kindness, making the world a slightly better, slightly nicer place.

holding open the door for a mom struggling with her kids, smiling at a stranger, reaching out to a friend in need… they may be simple, but a simple act of kindness is often all it takes to make someone else’s day.

today’s goal is to make other people smile, to make other people happy, to encourage other people to be awesome, to encourage other people to “pay it forward.”


want to play along from home? perform an intentional act of kindness for someone else & leave a comment below describing what you did. consider it your birthday gift to me!

so the obvious question is what are you giving me doing for others, in celebration of my birthday?

be the change


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