Saturday, June 29, 2013

What's going on here? | Coolest Family on the Block

It seems like I abandoned my blog. I kinda have for awhile. I’ve been trying to figure out where I want to go with this blog for awhile now. Every time it grows it is very exciting, but then I also feel pressure to put more time into it that I just don’t have. Consequently that takes all of the fun out of it since I’m blogging primarily as a hobby.


I’ve been looking at my most popular posts and the search terms that bring people to this blog. It seems as though they’re visiting for the creative family fun stuff and not for the awkward posts where I ramble on about myself. I haven’t had the time or the inspiration lately to put up any new holiday posts and when the mood has struck me to blog about myself, it just doesn’t seem like it fits anymore. I’m now going to focus this blog’s content entirely on “helping you find creative ways to have fun and make memories with your family all year-long”. That means birthdays, holidays, traditions, family fun, and creative ways to make memories and celebrate every day. Woo to the hoo! I’m still going to be taking most of the summer off from this blog and hope to come back strong in the fall. In the meantime make sure that you’re following me on Facebook and Pinterest where I’m often sharing creative ideas from other bloggers.


I’ve started a second blog. The kid-centric, family-fun stuff will remain here at Coolest Family on the Block, but if you want nonsense, rambling, and “humor” (depending on your definition of humor) you’ll find that over at my new me-centered blog, I Make Myself the Queen. You can also “like” I Make Myself the Queen on Facebook.

Pointless. Sarcastic. A giant waste of your time. Read the nonsensical ramblings of the self-proclaimed Queen of Random.

I Make Myself the Queen…and the peasants rejoice!



I’ve begun vlogging regularly. Vlog is just a fancy word for video. If you’d like to follow my vlogs you’ll want to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I also post all of my videos on my Vlog Magic page and to the
IMMTQ Facebook Page

Here is the trailer explaining my YouTube channel and both of my blogs. (Video here)

Coolest Family on the Block is committed to helping you find creative ways to have fun and make memories with your family all year-long. Don’t miss an idea, tip, or trick…subscribe and have updates sent directly to your email!


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