Saturday, October 12, 2013

8 Cool Liquor Billboard Ads | Intoxicology 101 | Drinks Made Better

I spend a lot of time on the road for my daytime gig, so it helps ease my road rage and eventual boredom when I come cross funny or “controversial” ads on billboards, the sides of big rigs, and anywhere else people place big ads. Why do people use humor and controversy to advertise their product? Because it works. It gets you and me talking, and sometimes it even gets the news’s attention. As the great Vince McMahon once said (and I’m sure many others before him), there’s no such thing as bad press. So here are 8 of the funniest and or controversial liquor billboards around the country.

Colt 45billboard 8 Awesome Liquor Billboard Ads

Not quite sure why I Love this so much, but Billy D himself is just funny without trying. That, and after watching Anchorman years ago, anytime I see this I think of the scene where Brian Fontana is putting on his Sex Panther cologne and says “60 percent of the time, it works, every time”. Oh, and there’s even a bit of controversy with this one as several states it was posted in had claims of racism behind it. Sorry, I missed that one…

Makers Mark Billboard 8 Awesome Liquor Billboard Ads Doesn’t get much cooler than this. I’ve always wondered what REALLY is transported in those long silver bullet style tankers… I guess we know now. Makes you want to re-think your career path doesn’t it?

Original 8 Awesome Liquor Billboard Ads

This too is pretty hilarious at first, mostly because we’ve all said it, thought it, or heard of the saying at one point of another. It’s kind of true. Unfortunately it offended some folks out in Vegas who thought it was disrespectful to those who died from alcoholism and/or drunk driving etc. It was taken down eventually…

PatronBillboard 8 Awesome Liquor Billboard Ads

Simple and to the point. Can’t say they aren’t being responsible with their message. Of course, we know a simple sign telling kids not to drink the subject of the billboard probably wouldn’t do any more than if their parents told them the same thing. Then there’s kids like I was, that take a “don’t do this” warning as an absolute reason to do it…

southerncomfortbillboard 8 Awesome Liquor Billboard Ads All I can say is wow. I never saw this one personally, and I can’t even be sure it’s real, but several claim it is/was and if so, Southern Comfort has some balls. Then again, if there was a mainstream brand I would expect to pull a stunt like this, it would be them.

VodkaBillboard 8 Awesome Liquor Billboard Ads This one comes courtesy of Wodka Vodka, and believe it or not, its the LEAST controversial of their billboard campaign. They got in a lot of trouble for using the same suggestive selling approach, but using different comparisons instead of a hooker and escort, and instead went with religion… big no no. But this one in itself is pretty funny and effective. I’ve never tasted the stuff, but I know who they are, now.

angostura rum billboard short skirt 8 Awesome Liquor Billboard Ads

Angostura rum took an interesting approach here… Humor, and at the same time insulting another spirit. Yes, that does suggest that you should drink rum over scotch because in Scotland, the men dance in skirts while in Trinidad, the men dance with women in skirts. It made me laugh, and probably made a few Scots a little upset. All is fair in liquor and war, right? JackDanielsBillboard 8 Awesome Liquor Billboard Ads

How could you NOT laugh at this one. No disrespect to Tennessee, but the joke’s kinda been around for a while. Then again, I think Virginia/West Virginia gets a worse “incest” rep than anyone. Still though, this is pretty funny, and makes the top of the list, as if Jack Daniels needed any more popularity.

You see something we missed? Send it our way to Hopefully, unlike several of these ads, we didn’t offend anyone.



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