Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween costumes | thefirstmint

It’s that time of year again! Halloween, a holiday known for candy, scary movies, and costumes, is just around the corner. But this year it’s five days closer. The spooky holiday has been moved by the school to the 25th to erase a Diwali Halloween cross-over. Although that would all have us on the floor with laughter, it was not to be. But now, Halloween is on the same day as the green conference, bringing more possible miscommunications.

But alas, the topic of this article is not of this matter. What I am to speak of is the age old tradition of costume wearing. What started off as simple masks has escalated to today’s full costumes of favourite characters. Last year, there were all sorts of costumes. Also, for the first time, there was a middle school and a high school costume contest. Many students went up to show off their costumes in triumph and pride, and were judged by three judges as they explained who they were. And it wasn’t for nothing. There was a cash prize given to the first and second places in both levels.

And after all the festivities last year, the middle school was treated to a dance. I know that there will be another Halloween dance for the middle school this year, but will there be another costume contest? I sure hope so.

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