Thursday, October 24, 2013

The War on Halloween: Something the Left and Right Can Agree On ...

If this was in the Onion, it would be funny. That it is true, is a sad commentary on the general insanity that exists where once you saw the USA. Scared out of our wits by Halloween | Opinion | News Democrat.

-Christian fundamentalists can do battle with Satan. “Halloween is Satan’s night,” televangelist Pat Robertson told his audience a couple of years ago.

Robertson, however, is practically a conscientious objector compared to Jacksonville evangelist Kimberly Daniels, who warned parents that “most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.”

-Liberal champions of egalitarianism can fight back against plutocratic 1-percenter children. Maryland Elementary in Bexley, Ohio, outlawed Halloween costumes because some children can’t afford to buy them.

So there you have it. A unifying issue. We can all hate dressing up in costumes and eating candy.

In the meantime, while we try desperately to focus on anything that isn’t math related, the country is in really bad shape.

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