Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Try These Zombie Movies For Halloween - Hot 104.7

[REC]filmaxinternational.comI love Halloween time. Mostly because it makes my zombie obsession seem less weird and more festive. Plus, there’s candy.


There’s lots of zombie movies that you could watch for Halloween. Brad Pitt’s World War Z is pretty good. Dawn of the Dead, the 1978 original or the 2004 remake are both fun and scary. There’s always 28 Days and Weeks Later. The first part of Weeks, with the kid and the couple in that house and the guy running to the river, is still one of the scariest things I’ve seen in a movie. And for some more traditional, slow moving, rotting zombies there’s Night of the Living Dead and The Walking Dead.

But, if you want to try a different flavor of zombie movie check this out.


This is a 2007 Spanish move filmed in Barcelona, Spain. It is a found footage style of movie with the action seen through a news camera. The film starts out with a reporter and her crew following some firemen on a ‘typical’ night in the city. The news crew goes with the firemen on a call to a building where something has happened. While they are inside the apartment building the health department seals off the building. Infected people are discovered, attack others, infect them and our heroes have to find a way out. The movie uses the found footage style to great effect with some nice tension and surprises.

[REC] 2

Part 2 continues the story at the apartment building, this time from the perspective, and cameras, of a SWAT Team that is responding to the event. They are there to find out what happened and again, find a way out. A cool part of this is that the two movies are happening at the same time, you are seeing things in one that you heard in the other.

[REC] 3 Genesis

The third movie in the series is a bit different from the first two in tone, it has a dash of silliness. That could be because there were new characters to set up and back stories to establish, but they get down to zombie business soon enough. This time an outbreak happens at a wedding reception and the bride and groom have to battle the infected. The found footage style is abandoned part way through the film and the rest is in standard movie style, but I still liked it. A woman in a wedding dress with a chainsaw fighting zombies is awesome.

[REC] 4 is coming in 2014.

NEXT: What Makes a Good Halloween Movie Marathon?



The News from http://funyhalloween.blogspot.com