Thursday, October 24, 2013

VIDEO: Windscreen wipers send cat flying | Latest News ... - Daily Star

This cute cat took a keen interest in the windscreen wipers on a car and decided to take a closer look.

Apprehensively sniffing around, the feline was initially scared off when the driver turned on his wipers.

But the cat was clearly far too interested to just leave them alone, and came back for another look round.

windscreen wipers, cat, flying, funny videoThe curious cat got too close to the windscreen wipers! [YOUTUBE]

“Nine lives come in very handy for this cat, who walked away from the incident unharmed”

And when the wipers were turned on again, he is sent flying through the air - either by shock or by the movement.

Nine lives come in very handy for this cat, who walked away from the incident unharmed.

You could say he's feline fine. We'll get our coat.


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