Saturday, January 18, 2014

Asakiyume mita - oh, /that/ Sherlock


My dad was talking about this great BBC mystery series he'd been watching recently, a redoing of Sherlock Holmes, and I said, yeah, wow, there are lots and lots of those around these days, and he said, well this one is really quite good, would I like to see an episode, and I said, sure, why not--and, dear Internet, it was Sherlock he was talking about! It's so funny if you've heard something talked about and talked about and talked about in one particular way, to then hear it talked about in another way, you know? It can sound like an entirely different thing.

Furthermore, although I've seen about 20,000 images and gifs from Sherlock on Tumblr, and although I've read all sorts of discussions and squees and critiques, I don't think I've seen an entire episode, ever. Or maybe one, but definitely not two. So guess which one it turns out my dad has to show me? The one with Irene Adler! I remember everyone talking about it, what? Two years ago? A long time ago.

Well! The closeups on Sherlock and Irene's wrists and fingers and lips and cheeks were quite, quite nice. And Mr. Holmes's blue eyes in a face otherwise all wrapped up in black, for an execution, there at the end, reminded me of Lawrence of Arabia's blue eyes.


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