Friday, January 17, 2014

Fun Facts Friday {1/17} - Sweet Tooth Sweet Life

1. What is it about toast with butter that just tastes so amazing when you have an upset stomach? For whatever reason, my stomach has been a bit off since yesterday morning and today it’s feeling a little worse, so toast with butter for breakfast it is. Tastes SO good. Now let’s just hope I’m not getting some sort of bug. Blech.

2. Last night we had Creamy Ranch Pork Chops and Potatoes for dinner and it was really, really good! Gotta love that crockpot, I’ll tell ya.

3. Wednesday night was my company’s annual kick-off party and it was such a good time!

I sorely needed a new dress to wear since pretty much all of mine are too small right now. Luckily, I found this dress at Macy’s which was on sale (picked it up Tuesday afternoon on my lunch hour…nothing like waiting ‘til the last minute, eh?).


I paired it with red shoes for the party (not brown like the photo, bahaha) and a new silver necklace I picked up from Target. I almost kinda forgot what it was like to dress up!

4. This weekend, Jay and I are (hopefully!) going to look at and test out some new mattresses. We need a new one in the worst way, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we can find one that a) is not ridiculously expensive, and b) something we can both agree on. Mattress shopping is not an easy thing.

5. For the locals…who else is taking advantage of Stewarts’ ice cream sale this week? I totally foresee some chocolate chip cookie dough in my future. Mmmhmmmm.

6. Can I just tell you how much I love and appreciate the fact that Erika (Lucas’s babysitter) will occasionally send me photo updates of him during the day? This one was on Wednesday, when I was super bummed I wasn’t going to be seeing him that night because of my work party.

Oh, that face.

7. Speaking of the little mister…last night was the first night we decided to truly commit to transitioning him to sleeping in the crib and out of the Rock ‘n’ Play. Oh man. It was not easy…but we have officially survived the first night! Here’s to hoping tonight is just a bit easier. Either way, I’ll have some help from #5 above to get me by. Winking smile

8. I’m working from home today, so I’m cutting things I bit short here so I can get back to business. Wishing you all a fabulous Friday and a great weekend! Any fun plans on the agenda??


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