Monday, January 13, 2014

Imponderable #119: E! Golden Globe Coverage | Mr. Blog's Tepid ...

January 14, 2014

I get a lot of Imponderables from News of The Weird or from my local New York papers. (New York’s Motto: “We’re weird, but not as weird as L.A.”) So today we go to the weirdest part of Los Angeles, Hollywood.


Yup, that’s a barrel of laughs. I’m sure Michael J. Fox is still laughing over that one. He’s been enjoying the humor of Parkinson’s for decades now.

E! rushed out an apology. “We regret the insensitive classification of Michael J Fox’s Parkinson’s diagnosis during our E online live stream. We understand the serious nature of the disease and sincerely apologize.”

Who wrote that “fun fact”? And who approved it?

The question is Imponderable. But I think I unearthed the answer.

moron graphic


The Late News from