Saturday, January 11, 2014

More o' Dem Funny Words! | Mr. Blog's Tepid Ride

January 12, 2014

A couple of days a go I picked out a list of funny words from a much larger list of not-so-funny but allegedly funny words . It occurred to me today that a particular word was left out: Boner. Now there was a time when that was a perfectly acceptable word for screw-up or mistake but that time has passed. Boner is mostly thought of in a funny sexual context. We all know, for example, the Joker’s boner.

jokers boner 4

You can find the rest of the Joker’s Boners right here.

And now I have a couple more examples. This first one is a book illustrated by all-time classic illustrator and author Dr. Seuss.


And here are some earlier boners. The first one is really my favorite. Check the author.


“Boners. By Those Who Pulled Them.” There is no way that today there could be an innocent explanation for that. Everyone goes right to the prurient. And why not? That’s funny!

Gay is another word that has taken on a whole new context. It used to simply mean “fun,” like in the Flintstones opening.

“We’ll have a gay old time!”

So in this era of giggling and guffaws, can a book like this ever be published with a serious title as “Gay Time?’

I think not.




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