Sunday, January 19, 2014

The State of My Blog | Tao of the Original Tracy Tran

This is my eighth year blogging on this site. It’s not spectacular, but I enjoy blogging on topics like HR, business, sports, and random stuff. If you notice a pattern, my professional life (or lack thereof) is reflecting on my blog. At times, I go for a month without blogging and then two week splurge of blog entries. I will say it will be like that again this year, but the only difference is I have a fallback plan with Recruit4Cause and hopefully an opportunity.

Also, if you noticed last year, I have started to do my random thoughts on Sundays. Every day, you get soundbites on my Twitter feed, but for depth and detail of my thoughts, go to my blog. I’ll be honest, I didn’t get as many views in 2013 than in 2012 because I was limited of what I was doing. However, at the end of the year, it picked up a lot of views from my post on getting Ed on DVD/Netflix. There are a lot of people who really want their Ed collection and glad they read. I hope as well they also read my other posts.

As for 2014, I expect to do the same thing and hope to go to Orlando for #SHRM14. I also wish to be more positive and that all depended on the D.C. sports team. I also will talk about politics and current events that grinds my gears and write a little more TV and movie reviews.

Two big things I want to mention: 1) I still accept donations. Donations are to pay for a living as a side job. The donation button is on the right side of the page if you want to contribute if I do something that you enjoy and maybe get a mention from me. And 2) this blog is due for a re-design. If you’re a web designer and interested to volunteer to re-design my blog, email to thispersonstinks[at]gmail[dot]com.

I’ll try to blog more and have give in-depth thoughts. That’s how I roll.


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