Monday, June 23, 2014

Life With Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary...part two...

Saturday morning we attended the "Pothier Follies" (based on Aspen Grove's Aspen follies). A couple of Steve's sister headed this up and they made it so much fun.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

We were divided into 6 teams and represented by a certain color.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

We took turns working through six different games, recording our times and points as needed.

There was a slip and slide/frisbee throw where we tried to accumulate the most points.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

We launched sponges with a water balloon launcher to teammates who wrung them out in a bucket until it reached a certain line.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

We jumped across the trampoline and then carried buckets of water on our heads wearing flippers and filled a bucket.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

There was a swimming relay.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

We walked with planks of wood to teammates who had to complete puzzles.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

We were blindfolded attached to a partner and had to collect items with a teammate giving us direction.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

As you can see there was some serious thought and preparation that went into these games and everyone of all ages enjoyed it.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Not that winning is important...but the green team (the team I participated with) took home the gold!

We spent the rest of the afternoon eating pizza and enjoying the amazing pool.

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Steve was showing off his back flip skills off a rather large platform. He makes me nervous sometimes, but he looks so graceful up there!

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Steve's parents also took the big leap - let me tell you, this is not what my grandparents looked like at their 50th wedding anniversary!

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

Life with Fingerprints: 50th Anniversary, family games, Aspen Follies

There were crazy jumps, synchronized jumps, water slide fun, pool side dancing and fun. Fun. Fun. Wow, our kids had a good time and they were exhausted by the time we all filed back into car. Their rosy red cheeks and wet stringy hair trying to assure us that they were not tired. It's a morning/afternoon they're sure to remember.


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