A few months ago, Sunshine came up with the idea that we take a day off of work in order to go out and just enjoy the day. Maybe even try to do a bunch of fun activities that we wouldn’t normally get the chance to do on the weekend together. We decided to have our very own “Ferris Bueller Day” where we simply forgot about work, forgot about any troubles going on in our lives, and just be on a mission to have fun together. After all…
So we both took last Friday off in an effort to OWN THE DAY! Needless to say, I think we did…
We were up and had both gone out for morning runs before 7am. Once we were showered and ready, Sunshine had the PERFECT shirt for our day together.
At 9:15am, we were both ready to head out and do whatever the heck we wanted to.
Another sunny day in Halifax. Didn’t bother us at all…we were ready to tackle the day, anyway!!
We started to walk our way through the streets of Halifax. As we made our way up Spring Garden Road, I found this sign. I’m all like…”LOVED you in Dumb & Dumber!”
Halifax is getting a new public library. The pic on the top is an artist’s rendering and the bottom two are pics of the actual structure. It’s…ummm…different. It’s all modern and such. It’s supposed to look like a stack of books. Ummm…yeah?
One of the most beautiful places in the entire city is the Halifax Public Gardens. Even on an extremely foggy day like this one, it was a fantastic walk.
As we were making our way back towards the city center, I had to make a stop. I had never been to a Nestle’s Toll House before, so today was going to be that day! I had 2 chocolate chip cookies and some chocolate milk and let me tell you something…it totally reminded me of my mom. THAT GOOD.
Making our way through the downtown core, we stopped in at the Freak Lunchbox, which is the most incredible candy store I’ve ever been in. We picked up a few fun items and continued on our way.
Something I’d never done was spend money in Casino Nova Scotia. So Sunshine and I walked around looking for an interesting game to play. Everything even remotely interesting was already being played by a senior citizen (it was a Friday morning, after all), so I sat down next to some kind of seafood machine and popped in $5. The next few minutes were long and boring. We didn’t understand what was going on and didn’t find any fun in the situation. Neither one of us understand gambling in a casino, but at least we can say we did it once. Mission accomplished!!
Saw this sign while on the way out of the casino. Of course…all we could think of was “That’s what SHE said”.
It was time for lunch and we were ready to try something else new. We went to the new Susie’s Shortbreads location in Purdy’s Wharf. They have this new thing called a stuffed baked potato. Obviously, it’s more than just a normal baked potato. In this case, we each tried the taco meat baked potato. And let me tell you…IT. WAS. AWESOME. I’m looking forward to trying a new flavour down the road (pulled pork baked potato, anyone?).
One of the most interesting parts of the entire downtown/waterfront area is Halifax Historic Properties.
While visiting the Historic Properties, Sunshine made a new friend.
I love walking by Nova Scotia Crystal when they’ve got the doors open and they’re blowing glass. It’s one of the very unique things any passerby can experience if the doors are open…just check out the pics! These guys are all incredibly talented.
The sun began to come out a bit as we were walking along the Halifax waterfront.
We walked into a souvenir shop on the waterfront and found this cookbook. Sorry, but I refuse to eat anything that comes from a “Dutch Oven”. Nope!
We made our way to the car and drove ourselves across the bridge to Dartmouth. We found an independent candy store called Sugar Shok. Inside we found the greatest sweet I’ve found in a VERY long time: the white chocolate Reeses peanut butter cup. $2 for two cups…worth every penny!
We decided to catch a Canadian-made movie as an afternoon matinee: The Grand Seduction. This was such a good movie, when it was done and the lights were on we didn’t see a single person walk out WITHOUT a smile on their faces. You gotta love a movie like that.
So apparently “dauntless” is 1 of 5 factions in the world of Divergent, the faction dedicated to courage & bravery. So a few questions:
1. Why do I want “brave chocolate cake”?
2. This cake is promoting a movie to be released in March…just how damn old IS this cake, anyway??
3. You can see in the upper right hand corner that there WAS a discount sticker on this cake…but no more. WHY???
“Like mom used to make?” No…I don’t think so.
The end of our day came with pizza from our favourite pizzeria in the entire city. She had Tijuana chicken and I had a Gladiator meat pizza. What a great way to end the day.
This was absolutely one of the best days I’ve ever had with my wife. From beginning to end, this was a blast. We felt like two kids and soaked up life as it was our first date all over again.
If you ever want to get some “spark” back into your relationship, take a Ferris Bueller Day!! You’ll thank yourself for it later.
The Late News from http://ift.tt/1h0pLYT