Sunday, October 5, 2014

Does Anything Eat Wasps? And 101 other Unsettling witty Answers ...

Does Anything Eat Wasps CoverThis is one of the most informative, and funny books, I have ever read. New Scientist began publishing in 1994, answering questions of everyday science. This book is a compilation of the random questions they received, and the answers that helped these curious science wonderers. The chapters vary from our bodies, plants and animals, domestic science, our universe, our planet, weird weather, troublesome transport, and the best of the rest.

It appears to be an unimportant book, but it will give you information about things you were curious about, but never realized you were.

It will tell you if it really is toxic to eat the green potato chips (oh my goodness, I remember hearing this!), how long it takes your dead buried pet to actually turn into nothing more than a skeleton, and the all-consuming question, “Does anything eat wasps?”

You will find information concerning the foods you eat, the animals you care for, and so many random things that you will only be smarter for reading this book!

It is an easy read, funny and entertaining, and educational all to boot. If you can find this book, read it! It will not only leave you smarter, but also leave a smile on your face!




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