Sunday, October 5, 2014

Great Green Groans | Within The Sphere

Occasionally, I am nominated for various blogging awards. Although, I am grateful for the nomination, I (in a rather bah humbug kind of way) do not accept such awards. I will acknowledge the nomination, usually with a long-winded explanation that I don't accept the awards... but wanted to add something here along the same lines, just in case anyone was thinking of nominating me again. Not that you have to (think about it or nominate me!)

If you do nominate me, thank you very much by the way.

If I am nominated, I will automatically pass the award on to all of those in my 'Blogs I Visit' page - there is a link to the page elsewhere on this page. This note is me automatically passing them on...

I find the awards come with a condition to select a certain number of blogs to pass it on to, and I have great difficulty choosing from the great blogs I regularly visit. It's easier for me not to accept any award, for this reason, which isn't a very good reason, but it is a reason all the same.

If you've read this far, thank you, and please accept my special perseverance award (which comes without any conditions whatsoever!)

There, I'm only part bah humbug after all!


The Late News from