Saturday, October 4, 2014

October Light

October Light

October is my favorite month. The fact that it’s grand finale is Halloween, my all-time favorite holiday, certainly doesn’t hurt… but it’s more than that. It’s the change that comes with October that I look forward to most. The colors, temperature, sports, sweatshirts, cider… the list goes on and on. October is the time where we can start doing things we actually enjoy instead of simply finding stuff to distract ourselves from the fact that summer in Ohio is humid and hot as balls all the time. I enjoy many of the changes that October brings, but my absolute favorite is the light.

There’s something about the light in October that is special. My photography professor at BGSU, Lynn Whitney, first brought the magical quality of October’s light to my attention. I may not remember as much from college as I probably should, but this stuck with me. Every year I find myself looking forward to taking photos in October. This year I’ve decided to take at least one photo every day in October. I’m not the best photographer I know, but I still really like snapping photos (even if it’s most often with my phone).

Here are the first few (all from my phone, but unfiltered so I suppose they’re highbrow enough).

  • October 1st

    Pumpkining all month long | iPhone 5S: Standard Camera


  • October 2nd

    Tall grasses finally look like something special | iPhone 5S: Standard Camera


  • October 3rd

    Pink skies in the morning was a great start | iPhone 5S: Standard Camera


  • October 4th

    October makes the simplest moments seem magical | iPhone 5S: Standard Camera



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