Sunday, October 5, 2014

Werewolf Roommate | Nitroglycerin Milkshake

I recently took in a roommate to help make ends meet.

He’s werewolf.

He seemed like an OK guy.

I checked his references.

Plus, he was Presbyterian.

Seemed like a pretty safe bet.

But the damn guy isn’t house broken.

Goes to the bathroom all over carpet

everywhere in the apartment.

I tried to break him of the habit by holding his nose in it

and giving him a good whack with a rolled up newspaper,

but this isn’t producing any results.

And the cops are actually threatening to file charges against me!

It’s a funny world we live in.

Then I remembered we had the same problem with one

of our dogs when I was a kid.

I remembered the newspaper

didn’t work in that case either.

So last night when my roommate was asleep

I had a vet come over and had him neutered.

Now we’ll see if he wants to go to the bathroom

on the carpet when he wakes up!


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