Sunday, April 10, 2011

Funny Halloween: Cosplay and Anime: East vs. West « Hannah's Blog

Funny Halloween
The Horror Spooky things is not the only Halloween stuff, here is the Funny side of Halloween you can find ;)

Cosplay and Anime: East vs. West « Hannah's Blog
11 Apr 2011, 4:34 am

I think this is SO FUNNY! After looking at random video links on youtube for long enough, it follows that one must inevitably blaze down their own trail leading to the realm of randomness. Yes, it is so. ... Conclusion: Cosplay is not like Halloween. Stupid westerners think it is, and that's another reason we're so terrible at it. By participating in cosplay, westerners show our true colors, as the ignorant-racists that we are! Yay! What a happy video. ...

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