Saturday, April 9, 2011

Funny Halloween: Halloween Zombie Chest Impaling : BFX: DIY «

Funny Halloween
The Horror Spooky things is not the only Halloween stuff, here is the Funny side of Halloween you can find ;)

Halloween Zombie Chest Impaling : BFX: DIY «
10 Apr 2011, 4:27 am

lol funny i wanna watch how zombie look lie not this !!!!!!!!!SDfghjkkkkkkkkkkkjgfdsdfghjklkfdsdfgkl/lkjhgfdfghjjkjkvbnmvcvbnbnmfbncvbnvbvjkjk :). austinwang302 says: April 10, 2011 at 7:04 am. wut about an effect like the rip out heart ...

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