Ok, here we go, Let's take a deep breath in together and lets get started. Finding the right words to hype up each week's Fun Stuff Friday article is always a tricky matter. I mean how is one supposed to be expected to summarise the face meltingly awesome content that awaits just a few paragraphs away. So to change things up a little, let's go ahead and attempt to do the impossible and choose a visual representation that might, just might prepare you for the ultimate in awesome you're about to experience…

Well this, this is a little embarrassing isn't it. A dog pointing and winking at a camera. Wow. According to Google, that is literally the most relevant match when searching for awesome. I mean I guess it's pretty awesome, dogs don't usually act like some bizarrely adorable animal version of Fonzy, so I'll still give that clever canine a mild thumbs up.
Enough preparation! It's now time to get to the heart of this week's Fun Stuff Friday. So what's in store? A s**t ton of Lego that's what. Seriously, this week's edition somehow turned into Legopalooza, but everybody loves Lego so I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing. Other than an overload of Lego, we also have a candid photo featuring two long time rivals making amends, a sweet replica prop lifted from Aliens that you can own, an obligatory piece of Star Wars merchandise, as well as a few more surprises. So strap yourself in, engage the hyperdrive and enjoy this week's Fun Stuff Friday!
Arrested Development Lego Set
This is never going to happen. I'm sorry to crush any hopes you may have had of constructing your very own miniature Bluth family home, but the truth of the matter is that this idea will never ever get off the ground. Don't get me wrong, this is quite possible the coolest Lego set I've ever laid eyes on. But considering that Arrested Development has a hardcore base of older viewers, I don't see many of these fans purchasing a Lego set. With that said the design for the set is spot on and the attention to detail is accurate. Too bad I won't ever get to see one line a shelf in my bedroom. Sigh…

If you would like to see this awesome Lego set become a reality then head over to Lego Cuusoo and vote it into existence. 10, 000 votes will ensure it's considered for production. So get voting!
Stunning Lego Photography
It's funny how when you or I think of Lego we automatically cast our minds back to our childhood where we spent hours attempting to build lavish blocky castles and kingdoms. But no matter how hard we tried we just couldn't get it right, could we? Despite countless hours spent stacking blocks on top of each other our castle never looks as good as the one on the box. And after several more hours of failed construction we would hurl our Lego across the room in a fit of rage, shattering our failed masterpiece. All the while screaming in anguish and torment. Remember those memories? Of course you do… Anyway, back on track, Vesa Lehtimäki clearly sees Lego in a completely different light judging by the masterfully photographed images below. Utilising an array of Star Wars Lego figures, Lehtimäki has artistically conjured up some beautiful scenes that hint of what life might be like on ice planet Hoth. Snowball fights and campfires with Wampas, looks like working for the Empire had its perks.

These eye-catching displays of Lego awesomeness were created by Vesa Lehtimäki. The images featured above are but a small fraction of those Lehtimäki has created, so be sure to check out the rest of the gallery.
Dante's Nine Circles Of Lego Hell
If you though the previous images demonstrated a clever alternative to Lego use, prepare to have your childhood shattered. Judging by the disturbing photos below, Mihai Mihu clearly had a disturbed upbringing. Using the nostalgic building blocks of my youth, Mihu has taken it upon himself to create a rendition of the nine circles of Hell using only Lego. The results are undeniably impressive, and a little disturbing. A hell (zing!) of a lot of detail has been put into each of these, with a different theme affecting the visual aspect of each. The Gluttony instalment is particularly unsettling, despite the fact that we're looking at a few pieces of a child's play-set used in an imaginative fashion. But in all seriousness, these still will probably haunt my dreams tonight.

These disturbing displays were created by Mihai Mihu. There are still another six levels of depraved horrors to view, so head over HERE and see if you can endure the unsettling sights.
Arnold Schwarzenegger And The Predator Share A Handshake And A Laugh
Isn't it nice to see that even long time rivals can put aside their differences. It seems as though despite calling him a motherfucker and causing him self detonate in what looked like a reasonably lethal looking explosion, the Predator has decided to let bygones be bygones and call a truce. Warms your heart doesn't it?

This photo was taken at Stan Winston School of Character Arts and come courtesy of Reddit.
Purchase a Full-Scale Replica Smartgun As Seen In Aliens
I'm not really sure who the audience for replica guns is, but I can't imagine they would be the most stable and levelheaded members of society. With that being said, even I think this full-sized replica of the Smartgun from Aliens is totally badass. I mean how cool would it be to strap on one of these things and then run around you backyard battling pretend xenomorphs? That is if I could even pick one of those suckers up. I mean that thing looks reeaaaaallly heavy. Plus I have the strength of an eight year old girl.

Head on over HERE if you wish to own your very own Smartgun. However be warned, it doesn't come cheap…
Nerds Of The Future
This is literally the image that sums up my twilight years. No matter how old I get I just simply can't ever see myself outgrowing my love for everything geeky. I'll be old and decrepit, shuffling around with my Camp Crystal Lake tee-shirt on and using this Star Wars inspired walker to keep me upright. Seriously, I'm going to be the coolest old man around. And by coolest, I mean so nerdy that I'll probably shamefully embarrass my grandchildren.

Prepare for old age, gaze upon the AT-AT's source page HERE.
Fry And Leela's Offspring
I'm a huge Futurama fan, so this piece of fan made art put a big smile on my face. Have you ever wondered what Fry and Leela's kids may look like if they ever finally did settle down? No, either did I to be honest. But artist Becca Jones clearly did. The result features two cute little tykes who look like they could be slotted in amongst the Futurama universe seamlessly.

This cute piece of concept art was created by Becca Jones.
Sub Zero's Eternal Dizzy Spell
So I know this is a movie site and all, but seeing as how I'm a huge gamer and all, I like to throw a surprise video game orientated curveball in here ever now and then. This clever and funny little video shows what might happen to Mortal Kombat combatant Sub Zero if he was left unharmed after the iconic Finish Him prompt. And judging by this video, it appears there is a fate worse than death….Eternal Dizziness!!
This humorous take on the fate of everybody's favourite ice flinging ninja comes courtesy of Dorkly.