Sunday, December 2, 2012

Seiberwing - Earth-63 Riddler Celebrates Halloween

I've been a bit derelict in getting these posted, business and mental instutions and crime and so on, but better late than never. Unless you're Temple Fugit, I suppose. Here is the set from Halloween weekend, one of the few non-convention times I can go out in full regalia and not be accidentally arrested.



Which I almost was. The morning's amusement was Daley Plaza, converted into 'Franken Plaza' with performances by the acrobatic troupe Midnight Circus and assorted child-amusing activities. I attempted to add to the levity by distributing riddle-laden chocolates to the more precocious tots but security had a few words with me over the matter and I left before someone mistook me for the wrong sort of criminal.

(I've been collared for a lot of things but 'distributing candy to children at a public event' is definitely a new one.)

My adventures at Navy Pier later in the day were met with a bit less police scrutiny and a bit more public acceptance. I'd heard there was a costume contest, so I wanted to grace them with my presence. I filled my pockets with riddles on slips of paper and hopped the bus.


And found quite a few friends in the process. Apparently Harley's taken to dating drug-addicted anarchists. I have to say it's still a step up from Joker.

I signed up early and took my time strolling the food court, where I ran into a birthday party of like-minded costumed personages, such as the Lady Loki.


Don't ask why I've got that expression on my face. I don't remember and I have a feeling it's better that way.


Tamaki from Ouran High attempting to appropriate the bad boy look.



Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Homestuck happened. Apparently there was a spontaneous meetup going on, completely unconnected to anything else happening on the pier. I had myself a cheap, greasy bite to eat while they all fawned over me and I handed out some of my riddles to dazzle their little minds.


This one took my hat. To be fair she looked quite charming in it. I was reluctant to leave them for the contest itself. While in line I posed for fan photographs, distributed further riddles, and documented some of the other participants.


A series of natural disasters that eventually took first prize. Tsunami, avalanche, tornado, and volcano.


Sho-Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem.


These runaways from a Lordi concert.



The obligatory furry, who seemed to be popular with the children.



Some type of monster trainers?


And a few Arkhammates. I didn't think Freeze was much for these frivolities, but the suit is rather impressive. He eve had the gun rigged for vapor via dry ice (I think), presumably because the real thing might cause excess judge deliberation due to cryostasis. Ivy, of course, is lovely as ever. They took third in the contest.


Gaara of the Sand and the Srsface.



"Mr. and Mrs. Evil" and their accompanying...child thing.


Zombie pirates, a brother and sister pair.


Multiple iPod generations.


The contest's MC was a bit thick, in that 'thinks he's funny' sort of way. I did attempt to interject some intellectualism into the proceedings when I took the stage.

"And what are you?"

"Ellen Nygma, the Riddler."

"Hey, the Riddler! I have a riddle for you. What's black and white and red all over?"

"A newspaper. And I have a riddle for you." Whereupon I stole the microphone. "Why is a guitarist like a hangman?"


"Because they both need a chord to play and there's always someone wishing they'd get off the stage."

"I see it's amateur hour up here."

At least the crowd was amused. I didn't win, though it's difficult to compete with natural disasters and the man with the freeze ray. I considered myself the moral victor and went back to wandering the pier.


Pink definitely puts that fear in the hearts of criminals, Bat-child.


I have no idea what I'm looking at here. Low budget western Slenderman?


Hidden in the crowd were a few refugees from one of those alternate Earths I keep hearing about. For some reason I'm a man in nearly all of them.





A bit old-fashioned but they've got a lovely fashion sense.


Who wants boring old human skulls when we have prehistoric aquatic reptiles? I'd get one for the hideout but I have no idea where I'd put it and the other skull would get jealous.



Up to the atrium. My apologies for the quality here, my cameraphone doesn't do sweeping vistas well.


The fountains are really quite amusing. What you're seeing here are periodic gouts of water shooting from one fountain to the other. It's very relaxing to watch.


Here I met the other end of the birthday party I mentioned earlier. Very interested in me, especially the one in the orange. Vampire Naruto or something.


I fed them a few riddles, none of which they solved, though the 'what kind of liquor is always in a hurry' one did garner a few dirty comments regarding oral sex. I took no shame in informing him I only took female minions.


A "Halloweentown Axel", Kingdom Hearts inspired.


And when the terminally angry raging Greeks show up, it's time to go to the boardwalk.



Another old colleague I found outside smoking a cigarette. Through the mask, which I have to admit is a mildly impressive achievement.


Oh captain, my captain.


Some ghost with odd fashion sense.


Duela Dent, I believe? I don't really keep up with everyone's families these days.




Up on the terrace I found some kind of lizard creature scuttling around the carnival rides. I don't know if he was any kin to Waylon, he just kept flicking his tongue out at me and rolling his eyes about.


The Homestucks made another appearance by the lake, holding the world's tiniest dance party to the music from someone's iPhone. Cute, in a rather pathetic way.


With all the chaos and the nonsense, sometimes one really just needs to take a moment and regard the city from a wider perspective. Even if one's efforts seem futile in an unappreciative world it does not mean that art for art's sake, riddles for riddles' sake, are not still deeply important. Someone must be there to bring light to the unwashed masses, whether they want it or not, and I take that burden willingly upon myself. One day they will all recognize my greatness. One day, this city will see that the Riddler is truly their better.


Then on the way home I was attacked by a flying squirrel. These things happen.


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