Sunday, December 2, 2012

unwilde: THE END OF THE WORLD (a.k.a. the beginning of 2013)

It's funny how some people are actually taking this 2012 End of the World thing seriously. And sad. Mostly sad. It's their own desire to not live anymore but people really don't consider what not living would be like. Well I guess it wouldn't be like anything. No more consciousness for you. That's it. There was a time when you were not alive and that time will come again.

Me, I like life. Shitty though it may be sometimes. It's the shittiness that keeps me going actually. If everything was wonderful all the time I would probably kill myself out of boredom. People expect too fucking much out of life. And they overanalyze it. We're dumb animals on a dumb planet in a dumb universe. Nothing is supposed to make sense. Nothing needs a purpose.

It seems to me like religious attitudes are making a U-turn lately; nobody really gave me shit in the '90s for being an atheist but now people are all like "WHAAAAAAA YOU'RE AN ATHEIST WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?" There's like all this stigma attached to it now. I think people are getting stupider. I think that can be illustrated by the fact that most people wouldn't correct me for that last sentence. I'm going to blame the alcohol.


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