Saturday, January 12, 2013

Agreed, Baby Pandas Are Cute. But Why? | That Eric Alper

Panda cub Xiao Liwu was eager to play with a plastic ball during an exam last month. He made his public debut at the San Diego Zoo on Thursday.

From NPR:

Xiao Liwu made his public debut Thursday at the San Diego Zoo. Fans crowded around the exhibit, their camera lenses extended, hoping to catch a glimpse of the 5-month-old giant panda cub. If they’re lucky and actually do see the 16-pound panda (his Chinese name means “Little Gift”), there’ll be much oooing and aaahing.

You’d have to be heartless not to agree that pandas, especially the youngest of them, are as cute as all get-out. Right? But why?

Continue reading the rest of the story on NPR

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