Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dyeries: Christmas Day

We had such a Merry Christmas! Did you know this was our first Christmas ever when we woke up in our own house? It was time it happened.

I wish I had posted this earlier as a lot of the details are fading. I will just say that Christmas was magical and wonderful and relaxing and so so fun with our kids. I savored each moment.

I really didn't take many pictures. Of course I wish I would have, but I really enjoyed being in the moment. I do have some to remember the day.

The line-up.

Claire had the best reaction to her gifts. We failed to capture the best moment when she opened a big plush Rainbow Dash. Pure joy and elation.

Stocking cereals.

And a more substantial breakfast.

Handmade gifts from Auntie Lina. So nice and perfect for each.

My favorite and very unexpected gift from Dan. I ended up swapping for some black ones. I love them so much that I get a little sad when I take them off to get into bed. True story.

Hannah is missing her cozy socks in this picture. She loves cozy things. She wore her robe most of the day, and the next, and the next.

Jane wore these while Skyping. She asked to have some of these all through the Olympics last summer.

We needed a new joke book, even though the girls still thought the old ones were very funny. Maybe I was needing to hear something different :)

Jane got a few drawing books.

Last minute dinner guests for our modest and quiet Christmas dinner.

I packed for some of the day because the kids and I left for Seattle the next morning. Hopefully I'll get to that post really soon...

Christmas is awesome!


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