Matthews’ attorney, William R. Buie III, said the 115-year sentence was excessive. A juvenile at the time of the shootings, Matthews was tried as an adult.

“The purpose of incarceration should not only be punishment and public safety, but it should also be rehabilitation,” Buie said. “This is a young man who made a very severe mistake in his life. However, he’s so young there’s a possibility his life could be redeemed.”

Baltimore County jurors spent less than an hour deliberating in the case, in which they heard how Matthews ran across Burks, 16, and his friends while trick-or-treating. A witness testified that she saw Matthews following her group and heard shots. Burks was later found dead in front of a rowhouse in Baltimore County. Police discovered bags of candy nearby.

Two other teens in his group were shot but survived, though prosecutors say one victim will carry a bullet inside his body for the rest of his life.

Prosecutors had called the shootings “senseless.” Prosecutor Danielle Williams said the state reminded the judge Thursday of Matthews’ “lack of remorse.”

The state’s attorney’s office had offered Matthews a deal before trial in which he would serve 15 years in prison, but Matthews did not accept the deal. Buie said he tried to argue that his refusal showed that Matthews did not fully understand the consequences of his actions.

“A rational person would have decided to take the plea,” Buie said.

A previous trial had ended in a hung jury, but this time, prosecutors presented evidence that Matthews

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