Sunday, January 13, 2013

spacefem's livejournal - birthdays


I feel like we've been going from one birthday party to another lately, it's still my destiny in life to be surrounded by capricorns I guess. Marc's was at the beginning of the month, then every weekend it's been one of Josie's friends, which gives us something to do when it's cold and crappy so that's not too bad.

Josie is OBSESSED with birthdays. She can tell you her birthday is in June, even though she has no idea what June is or the fact that it's basically infinity time away... hell I'll be on maternity leave by then, not pregnant anymore, that seems like infinity time even for ME never mind a two-year-old.

She plays "birthday" all the time. Finds some little play food or an upside-down-bowl and it becomes the cake, lights the candle on it with a crayon, sings happy birthday as best she can, closes her eyes and blows and claps and hands us all invisible cake slices and repeats the whole thing. Sometimes it's someone else's birthday but she's always blowing out the candles in her fantasy world where there's always candles on a cake. I mean she is deeeeep into it. You know that scene in "superstar" with mary katherine & the tree? is that the best movie or what? totally underrated compared to the other SNL ones. Oh, but anyway in the scene she's so completely lost dreaming about her first kiss and it's funny because you can kinda relate to it, didn't we all look forward to that sort of thing at one time (albeit maybe didn't use trees in the skit?) But Josie's birthday obsession is on that level, just hysterical because it's a birthday! I've had enough that the kinda run together now.

She's had this obsession for a long time, maybe even since before her second birthday, I just hope she keeps it up until summer and is still the same obsessed excited kid when she turns three. because we can't just HAVE a birthday whenever she's feeling it. toddlers change tastes so often, and birthdays are only every twelve months, that's tough.


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