Saturday, January 12, 2013

Terrible, terrible, terrible | housegoeshome

I am my own worst enemy. My internal dialogue sucks. It tells me I’m a terrible mother, a terrible wife, a terrible friend. It taunts me for being fat, fired and 45.

I went to a party last night and met a woman who knew me by reputation. That reputation wasn’t for being a terrible mother, terrible wife, terrible friend. She didn’t see someone who was fat, fired and 45.

She admired my knowledge and experience. She urged me to follow my dreams. She assured me I’d flourish.

I stiffly nodded. I politely smiled. I edged away into the night.

To quote Pretty Woman: “The bad stuff is easier to believe.”

I read a comment on Mumabulous’ site last week. It said: “It’s funny how the older we get, the more comfortable we are in our own skin.”

I wish that was me.

Is that you?

About alanamaree

Pottering around at home after 20 years in the same workplace, looking after two daughters, one husband and four chooks

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