Sunday, June 30, 2013

An Innocent Fiction - - nyssane - LiveJournal

I've been feeling quite depressed lately. Nothing new, right? I'm so tired all of the time... I eat a lot... I'm always bored. Denny works so many days a week, and even when he's not working... we struggle to think of something to do. I'm just losing myself, really. I wish I could motivate myself to work out again, but it just seems so pointless.

It's pretty astonishing how much time I spend doing nothing. I've created the Descent Second Edition Wiki, which consumes a lot of my time/energy. Denny thinks it's silly. I've always liked creating Wikis (I also created the Monster in My Pocket Wiki, Sky Dancers Wiki, Mighty Max Wiki, She-Hulk Wiki, etc.... not all in one sitting, of course. This is over the span of 5+ years). It's funny because I could probably count on one hand the amount of times we've all played the Descent game... but I love it. I love the lore, I love the monsters, I love everything about it. I really want to buy Runebound and Runewars, but I just don't have the money for it right now (although I'm definitely buying the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion coming out soon for Descent).

I've taken to sitting in the heat with the AC off lately... it's of course scorching hot, but I just need a fan on me I guess... our electric bill is always so expensive, and I'm the one that pays it... so... yeah.

I also applied for a new credit card... it's a bad idea, I know, but I need it in case of emergencies. I'll probably be using all my credit from my other cards at the dentist tomorrow, which my appointment is at 10 am. I'm nervous... I'm just convinced they're going to tell me there's something gravely wrong with my tooth and it needs to be removed. I will die if that happens. Denny agreed to go with me since he has the day off...

Also, I signed up for a Kickstarter last year for plastic fantasy figurines (called Reaper Bones), and they're going to be delivered tomorrow! I bought them back when we were all playing RPGs (though that's since stopped, since I never hang out with Dan anymore and we don't do game nights really). That's the shining light at the end of the dreary tunnel. But then... I'll get them tomorrow and Denny and I will tear through them and after five minutes, we'll be aimless again.

Tags: depressing rants


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