Friday, July 5, 2013

Almost Lover - So This Was A Bit Balls - RosaLui - LiveJournal

Almost Lover

Funny thing - I'm used to getting into discussions with people capable of rational argument. When this fails to happen, I get snippy, overly-intense, and high-handed. Actually, I often start out snippy and high-handed, but it's the internet (in this case Facebook), so I expect it to be taken with grace and aplomb, and try my best to return the favor.

Another funny thing - for anyone who didn't know, I was homeschooled. So despite years of wrestling with being overly self-conscious and awkward, I literally don't remember anyone making fun of the way I look before. (For reference: Pizza-level bad skin over hurr.)

I suppose it had to happen eventually?

  • This Gay Dude I Know: [Facebook Status] Dressing in drag isn't attractive. And is the biggest turn off to mankind. Okay. Sorry not Sorry.

  • His Friend, I Guess: Omg how can you say that? Drag is like the best thing in the world. Blah blah blah. Eww #sarcasm

  • Other Friend: i'm a lady and honestly I WISH I COULD DO DRAG COMPETITIONS THEY SOUND FUN

  • TGDIK: Question. Why is there even a "gay culture" It's a equality. Can we Please Not

  • Other Other Friend: ILY

  • TGDIK: It's a sexuality ****

  • OOF: it's a sexuality, not a culture! brilliant, boob<3

  • HFIG: Hahaha don't get me started on how I feel about this "culture"

  • TGDIK: Lol love u baby

  • Female Friend: Some would say the same about gays. For someone who is pro gay rights your sure closeminded.

  • OOF: i think what he meant was that he personally doesn't find it attractive:o

  • TGDIK: Excuse me. Bitch. Drag queen has nothing to do with being gay. Back up. Alot. Gay rights has nothing to do like dressing like a women. Ighht

  • FF: I didnt say it was the same thing whatsoever . I said you pick and choose who to accept just like those who reject gays or blacks or any other type of person . BITCH that makes you ignorant. Enough said.

  • TGDIK: Lmao. Going drag is a choice. And a "hobby" I can go against hobbies. It's like saying I don't like baseball

  • Me: Drag is hot to some (c'mon, JGL in garter tights, anyone?), and even if it wasn't, it'd still be awesome, because the point is to be true to oneself, not to turn other people on.

  • Being something isn't a choice - but presenting as it is, yo. Being trans - transgender, transvestite, whatever - is a real thing, so unless you're trying to say that being closeted is forever the best thing to do unless someone is turned on by you, idg the point of this status rn

  • Sounds a bit like the same reasoning that runs through plenty of misogyny - "oi gurl that's fug" except excuse you I was wearing it because I like it, not because I thought you would - etc

  • Unless you're telling me that you like who you like because others think it's A+++, not because it's what you feel or whatevs

  • One of my best friends is trans, so s t f u tbh

  • TL;DR

  • bye

  • TGDIK: You're a fucking idiot. I said dragqueens not trans. I love trans people. Learn to read.

  • Me: I must have missed the memo where all of the above are entirely separate entities, o o p and where that makes any of this less insulting tbqh

  • Me: FF knows whats up, though. *waves*

  • Girl Who Was My Friend Before She Ever Knew Him: Honestly emily just shut the fuck up, thanks

  • TGDIK: She Obviously likes drag queens Cuz they actually have cover up.

  • Use cover up**

  • Me: Oh, darling. This makes it so tempting to talk on and on for like... the next five years, but there comes this magical breaking point between what I feel passionate about and... how much I care about the opinions of people who decline rational discussion.

  • So sad, might cry etc etc

  • except no

  • GWWMFBSEKH: Yea again just stfu

  • Me: ....Good luck on the debate team next year

  • TGDIK: I'll be very PROACTICE!


  • Me: I'll try to be proactice, too. We should all be proacice. Quoth Gandhi.


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