Friday, July 12, 2013

Cryptopod: Blue-Green Beauty » En Tequila Es Verdad

I had a weird moment in B’s kitchen last week. I was looking at the wall, and there was this thing that looked like moth-shaped confetti. I mean, it looked like a real moth, but kind of too smooth, and I’ve never seen a teal one before. The lighting was really super-difficult, and there was a table in the way, but as I looked, I started to wonder: could that be an actual moth?

Cryptopod I

Cryptopod I

Ya mebbe. I tried the optical zoom, but on the tiny screen, it was impossible to tell. So I climbed up on the table and went in close, because I r reklus.

Cryptopod II

Cryptopod II

Holy crapnuggets, Batman! That thing’s real!

Cryptopod III

Cryptopod III

And it was one of the most chill moths ever. Apparently, it’s been perfectly satisfied to hang round on the kitchen walls for the past few days, away from the rat race of the outdoors. I like moths, because they frequently allow me to stuff the camera in their faces. This was no exception.

Cryptopod IV

Cryptopod IV

So yeah, unfortunately crappy lighting, but how beautiful is that? I’ve since seen another, unfortunately when I was running late to work and couldn’t photograph it. Funny how once you see a thing you’ve never seen before, you suddenly see them all over the place.

Hopefully, one of you will be able to provide an ident. And hopefully, I haven’t fallen for yet another invasive species.


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