Thursday, July 11, 2013

Got a Light? (flash fiction) | Zooky World

Cemetary and Goats by Randy Mazie

“Here comes a group,” Bob whispered. “Summer’s almost as good as Halloween. Warm nights, no school.”

Todd nodded. “Love it. They’ve brought a goat, too. Some sort of sacrifice, I suppose.”

“Let’s wait a little. Remember, it’s my turn to ask.”

Bob and Todd stayed hidden behind gravestones. The four teenagers set up a circle of candles nearby, the goat watching curiously.

Bob gave a thumbs up, and the two of them stood.

“Hey,” Bob called out. “You got a light?” Two of his bony fingers touched his teeth as if he held a cigarette.

The teenagers stared wide-eyed at the skeletons, then ran off screaming as the skeletons watched them and laughed. The goat bleated curiously.

Admittedly, I went over the 100-word limit this week… my story clocks in at 117 words. Close, but the story simply refused to be cut more.

Friday Fictioneers prompt given by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. For other stories inspired by this photo, click here.

Photo copyright Randy Mazie

Story copyright Dave Williams


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