Monday, July 8, 2013

I Don't Know Why but Today Seems like It's Gonna Be a Great Day ...


Let’s be honest: the past few weeks haven’t been good for me. It’s getting harder and harder to keep it together. Like Tim Curry said in RHPS, “Even smiling makes my face ache.”

I’m a melancholic personality; I know this. But waking up depressed every morning? Ain’t gonna cut it. True, I’m dealing with issues. My grandparents are dying. My career is a confused mess of rejection letters and possible copyright issues. My depression makes it hard to do, well, anything, so my house is a mess (as is my health). Plus, I feel like God is reading the newspaper somewhere and paying absolutely no attention to what’s going on down here.

There are those who would say, “But you have so many good things in your life!” In the thralls of depression, I want to smack the hell out of those people. Comments like that do not help. Depression has a way of making even the best things seem not so good. Depression has a way of sucking the good out of the great.

macklemore-ryanlewisIt’s ironic that within this month-long funk, I’ve been reading Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project. Ms. Rubin had an epiphany one day on a city bus: “The days are long, but the years are short.” She realized that time was passing, and she wasn’t paying enough attention to the important things—the things that make life great. In order to do so, she started a year-long “Happiness Project” to try to ramp up her joy and improve her quality of life.

This morning, I read the chapter called “Keep a Contented Heart.” One of the keys to this? Laugh out loud. As Rubin writes, “It’s easier to complain than to laugh, easier to yell than to joke around, easier to be demanding than to be satisfied.” It’s also easier to take ourselves too seriously—even take life too seriously, which is dumb, because life is hilarious. I can admit this, even when I’m depressed.

In honor of Rubin’s “Laugh out loud” philosophy (and in an effort to remove myself from the bottom of my self-centered, self-pity), I decided to watch some funny videos this morning.

Now, I share them with you, because it’s Monday, and frankly, maybe you feel like I do today. Maybe you feel life has been smashing you with a hammer. Maybe you’re neck-deep in despair. Fear not. And laugh.

Charlie the Unicorn.

A classic cartoon about a grumpy unicorn and Candy Mountain.

Louis CK talks about pot (explicit).

One of my favorite comics has an unfortunate weed experience.

“Thrift Shop” by Macklemore (explicit).

Cuss words, yes, but one of the funniest music videos ever.

Johnny Carson’s Copper Clappers.

The immortal late night classic.

“A Great Day” by Lonely Island.

A coked-up businessman starts his day with a song.

Author GK Chesterton said, “It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light.” For me, it’s easy to be depressed. It’s not so easy to find the bright side. Happiness takes work, but hey, let’s start with laughter. And after watching the above videos, I feel better already. How about you?



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