Tuesday, July 9, 2013

In 3 years I've learned... - See Vanessa Craft

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that 3 years goes by in the blink of an eye

the different species of all of the dinosaurs

the meaning of patience

that 3 is a preview of the teenage years…

but they are still babies in many ways

that parenthood isn’t black and white and it’s full of mistakes along the way

to not fix what’s not broken

to not stress so much about what other parents are doing and just do my thing

that moms are the center of the universe from 0-2.5 and that dads are way cooler after that

that they’ll still run to mom when they get hurt

to never underestimate a 3 year old

how innocent this age is and how I wish it could stay that way forever

that my son is my greatest teacher

how to bribe, I mean “reward”

the joys of potty training

that you’ll act like a crazy person, jumping up and down cheering, after that first poop in the potty

that the first poop was probably just a fluke

how fun and challenging and funny this age can be

that my 3 year old remembers e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g

that I should just get used to being asked “why?” a million times a day from here on out

to build in 30 extra minutes before we leave anywhere so my child can put on his own shoes “BY MYSELF”

how hard it is to let go a tiny bit more

Happy 3rd Birthday Logan! Mama loves you to the moon and back.

See what else I’ve learned in the past 3 years.

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