Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The kids go to the Madison Zoo! - Baby Dickey | Chicago Mom Blogger

I have so many plans for this summer of fun… just trying to cram everything in before Ryan starts preschool in the fall! Ryan has been to the zoo before… this same Madison zoo, actually. But that was two years ago (wow!) and he definitely doesn’t remember it. He was thrilled to go this time and see the animals in person that we’re always talking and reading about. Rebecca was excited, too, and couldn’t stop staring and squealing at the the animals.

I think it’s funny that we went to the zoo and I have basically NO photos of the animals… too busy taking pictures of my own little animals ;) If you’re ever in the area, the Madison zoo is free and it’s pretty awesome! Ryan said his favorite was the giant turtle or the giraffe and he told stories all about the big, tall giraffe and the shorter baby giraffe, aww.



madison zooWho’s more excited?!

madison zoo

madison zoo




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