Saturday, September 20, 2014

A memorable Thanksgiving | alexbachmann

Fall is my favorite time of the year! I love the season change and the crisp cold weather, even the rain. October is one of my favorite months because of my birthday and because of Halloween. I love being able to dress up and I love watching scary movies and decorating the house. After Halloween passes my next favorite thing about the fall is Thanksgiving. I love everything about it from the delicious food, time spent with family and the funny memories we make each year. Speaking of Thanksgiving – there’s one that sticks out to me in particular.

It was the Thanksgiving of my sophomore year of high school. I was off school for Thanksgiving break and feeling both bored and impatient, I told my mom I wanted to change the color of my hair. She told me to set up an appointment but I was feeling extremely impatient and didn’t want to have to wait a month or so to get my hair done. So I said, I’ll do it myself. I went to the Safeway down the street from our house and bought a box of hair color. A side note – I’d never done this myself before so I was already off to a rocky start. After an hour or so I had managed to get the color in and now was just waiting for it to set in. I waited the appropriate amount of time, according to the back of the box. I washed out my hair and dried it and stood in the bathroom just starring at myself. Now, the color wasn’t incredibly awful, it just wasn’t what I had imagined it would be. I was disappointed and I’m pretty sure I ran to my mom crying asking her to help me fix it. Another side note – I know what you’re probably thinking… this is a little vain isn’t it? Well maybe it was, but I was also insecure and impressionable and in my second year of high school. It felt important to me at the time to look a certain way in order to “fit in”.

As a way to make me feel better, my mom suggested that we go visit my Grandma who was a hair dresser. I thought, that’s a great idea! She would be able to fix this for sure. This was also the day before or the day after Thanksgiving, I can’t remember exactly now so as you can imagine things were probably hectic enough without my little “hair fiasco”. My Grandma appeared to be the miracle hair dresser, she said she would be able to help by adding in some bleached high-lights to lighten the color. As it was at the moment, a very mute auburn/amber mix of dirty blonde. I sat patiently in my Grandma’s chair as she continued to brush the bleach into my hair. After she was done, I realized that she hadn’t just bleached a few strands of hair to gain the highlighted look but instead, she had bleached my whole entire head! I began to panic.

As time went on the color grew lighter and lighter and lighter still. By the time we made it back to our house in Salem, my hair was so light you could see the individual follicle strands on my scalp! I was really panicking now. What was I going to do? There was no way I could go back to school looking like this and my mom and mentioned she was afraid my hair would start to fall out due to all the bleach! I was an utter mess at this point. Luckily, we knew of another hair dresser. My sister’s best friend Klyi’s mom, Traci owned her own salon in Silverton, Oregon. With it being Thanksgiving it was a long shot that Traci would be able to do anything anytime soon. But my mom made the call of emergency and Traci being the most wonderful person she is – came running.

Traci showed up at our house and I was even embarrassed to show her what my hair looked like. After some coaxing she made me feel a little better and I eventually let her look at my hair and get started. After probably another hour and a half or so… Traci had my hair looking, I can’t believe… NORMAL! I was so very, very grateful. If it hadn’t been for Traci who knows what would have happened. My hair would have fallen out for all we know. Needless to say, I’ve completely learned my lesson. I haven’t used a box hair coloring kit ever since. While it may be a little more expensive to go to the salons, I’ve learned it’s best to leave that skill up to the professionals.

Traci was able to give me my confidence back, which at that time was in short supply anyway. Thank you for everything you did Traci! And since it was a time to give thanks, it also made me grateful for the wonderful people in my life who as I’ve learned would do anything to help a friend in need. I strive to hold myself accountable to those same values.


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