I love the innocence of a child. This little boy melts my heart in so many ways.
I found him wearing my glasses as he was taking his nap in our room. He was sound asleep.
As we were driving home one day...
Jerry, "did God build the houses?"
Me, "well, God made man and women and they built the houses."
Jerry, a few seconds later laughing, "the gingerbread man built a house."
Almost every night he tells me "I want you to sleep with me all day night."
He started to learn the planets at school. I had always told him I loved him to the moon and back and now his reply is "I love you to Jupiter and back, is that farther than the moon."
He owns my heart.
Every morning before dad leaves for work it's a routine of "wave to me dad", "don't forget to blow kisses, dad", "mom, dad waved at me and gave me kisses."
When he sleeps by himself he will come into our room in the morning and get in bed with us if we aren't already up. One morning as he was crawling around on us he tells me, "mom, your whiskers on your legs hurt me."