I'm still wondering that myself. All I know is that whatever I set out to be when I was 6, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, etc...has all changed several times over. I don't think I knew my "path" until I turned 27 which wasn't the type of path I had intended for myself in any time of my life. When it presents itself to you in a series of events in your life, you need to see what it's all about and see if it's worth following. My own self doubts and fears almost destroyed everything, but I put my head down and with love and support, I walked down that path hand in hand with your dad. Have there been bumps, cracks and dips in the road? Yes....but there have been so many blue skies to lift my head and look up at and carry us safely over those imperfections on this path. I still don't know what life has in store for me. Life is a funny thing and it's taken me thirty-five something years to even get close to figuring out who I am and what I want to stand for. I do know that I'm having the craziest best time being your Mama! No matter what I love and adore you both to no end. What I want you to be is anything that your heart desires. Do whatever you can't breathe without. I will always be standing in your corner, cheering you on. I know, from knowing you both, that it will be fantastic, creative, wise, and I will be beaming with pride. NO one can tell you to be something. You have to be your own person and stand with your head held high. Don't be what you aren't just to please someone else. Each person on this earth is different, no one is exactly the same and guess what? That is O..K. You are beautiful individuals and if I forget to tell you that at some point in your lives, know that it's a feeling that comes deep within my heart--you...are....PERFECT. Perfect for ME, perfect for your DAD and perfect for all those who know and love you. Take that thought and use it to drive you towards your passions. Never give up on your most amazing dreams cause as long as you keep dreaming, they are still out there to achieve. I love you both to the depths of my soul. I know that whatever you do in life, and whomever you become, you will make me the proudest mama on the planet. :) XO!! Mom