Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Long Delayed Update On The Personal ... - The Funny Farm

Fryday, Mid Year’s Eve, 2013

Editors’ Note: this is a repost of a recent blog entry from February of this year when the web site was hosted by a different internets service provider

It has been a while since I have had the time and/or energy to try and let you know how things have been going at the Funny Farm of late. But I will give the internets at least a brief synopsis of the events in my personal life of the past few months.

I finally managed to have a personal friend get to a place where she could recommend me for employment in my chosen profession. So, last year, on October the first, I finally became a working stiff once more. Once again I have landed in a major megacorporation – although this time I am pretty sure that I’m not in the head office. There are good and bad elements to the position, and I really don’t want to bring my new employers into the blog much. I will say that I have never had an employer that is as generous and as focused on the safety and well being of its’ employees as I have now. They covered my sorry a$$ from day one and have put up with a bit of situational difficulties on my part. For example:

Last year, about a week before Halloween, I was admitted to a local emergency room with chest pains. Which meant that I was held in their clutches long enough for them to perform a stress test, find out that I had long exhausted my medication, and that I have something screwed up with regards to my coronary arteries (fair warning to any relatives reading this website – which apparently runs in the family). Which then meant that, two days before Halloween, I was operated on, and quadruple coronary bypass surgery was performed on me. So I have been recuperating from that until basically the start of the new year.

There has also been a bit of angst within the family because my dad has been in failing health over the last few years. A couple of different types of cancer, Parkinson’s, and a general degradation of the physical systems that will probably occur to Your Humble Narrator long before he gets to be 87 as my father recently did last December. Well, he finally left this mortal coil on the last day of January of this year. Many condolences to the many who will miss him in the days to come.




The News from http://funyhalloween.blogspot.com