Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kitten meat « Rowan Tree Design Blog

1. I’ve already posted this on Facebook and on Twitter, and it’s all over the internet like white on rice, but I have to post it again because it is the funniest, funniest, funniest thing EVAHHHH. Even if you’ve never seen and don’t care at all about Game of Thrones you need to watch this. WATCH IT I SAY.

“They’re just baby cats! Jeeeeez.”

2. As usual I am anticipating zero trick-or-treaters for Halloween this year, even though I live in a block of flats with tons of kids. Mostly Polish kids. My neighbours are like 85% Polish. (Handy if I ever need to borrow a cup of pickled cabbage.) Do the Poles celebrate Halloween? Or do they HATE FUN like the Brits? Nine years and counting in the UK and I have never had a single trick-or-treater. (Though I secretly hope that this is because all the neighbourhood kids are avoiding the scary lady.) More candy for me, LOSERS.

3. Watching American Horror Story: Asylum the other day (aliens and possessed nuns and mutant medical experiments, oh my!) and this happened:

Me: That would be Shylock Holmes.


4. So the National Ploughing Championships took place in Ireland recently. A colleague of mine who lived in Ireland for many years informs me that it is like a heeeee-yuuuuuge deal and everyone watches it and talks about it. I don’t know what to say about this except AWWWWWWWWWW.

And of course…

“Leprechauns, shamrocks, Guinness, horses running through council estates, toothless simpletons, people with eyebrows on their cheeks. Badly tarmacked drives, in this country. Men in platform shoes being arrested for bombings. Lots of rocks, and Beamish.”


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