Thursday, January 16, 2014

House Votes To Require Weekly O-care Updates Pirate's Cove

House Votes To Require Weekly O-care Updates

January 16, 2014 – 2:42 pm

Do you think the Democrat led Senate will even consider this legislation?

(The Hill) The House voted Thursday to require weekly updates from the Obama administration about the implementation and operation of ObamaCare and its website,

Members passed the Exchange Information Disclosure Act in a 259-154 vote. And while many Democrats criticized the bill as another GOP attack on ObamaCare, it won the support of 33 Democrats in the final vote.

This goes with last week’s vote in which 67 Dems defected on a bill requiring notification to people if their data has been hacked from Obamacare websites

The White House opposed both bills, saying they would impose unnecessary reporting burdens on the administration. But the White House did not go as far as saying it would veto the bills.

First, they don’t have to worry about the legislation even making it to Obama’s desk, as the Senate will surely not even vote on the bills, and second, funny how Team Obama doesn’t worry about reporter burdens for all the companies and people ruled by Obamacare.

Unfortunately, while the bill requires lots and lots of reporting information, it doesn’t require reports on how many people have actually paid.

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